Source code for assertionlib.assertion_functions

"""A module with various new assertion functions.

.. currentmodule:: assertionlib.assertion_functions
.. autosummary::

.. autofunction:: len_eq
.. autofunction:: str_eq
.. autofunction:: shape_eq
.. autofunction:: isdisjoint
.. autofunction:: issuperset
.. autofunction:: issubset
.. autofunction:: function_eq


import warnings
import dis
from types import FunctionType
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import (

from .functions import to_positional

    from numpy import ndarray
    ndarray = 'numpy.ndarray'

__all__ = ['len_eq', 'str_eq', 'shape_eq', 'isdisjoint', 'issuperset', 'issubset', 'function_eq']

T = TypeVar('T')
IT = TypeVar('IT', bound=Union[None, dis.Instruction])

[docs]@to_positional def len_eq(a: Sized, b: int) -> bool: """Check if the length of **a** is equivalent to **b**: :code:`len(a) == b`.""" return len(a) == b
[docs]@to_positional def str_eq(a: T, b: str, *, str_converter: Callable[[T], str] = repr) -> bool: """Check if the string-representation of **a** is equivalent to **b**: :code:`repr(a) == b`.""" return str_converter(a) == b
[docs]@to_positional def shape_eq(a: "ndarray[Any, Any]", b: Union["ndarray[Any, Any]", Tuple[int, ...]]) -> bool: """Check if the shapes of **a** and **b** are equivalent: :code:`a.shape == getattr(b, 'shape', b)`. **b** should be either an object with the ``shape`` attribute (*e.g.* a NumPy array) or a :class:`tuple` representing a valid array shape. """ # noqa: E501 return a.shape == getattr(b, 'shape', b)
[docs]@to_positional def isdisjoint(a: Iterable[Hashable], b: Iterable[Hashable]) -> bool: """Check if **a** has no elements in **b**.""" try: return a.isdisjoint(b) # type: ignore # **a** does not have the isdisjoint method except AttributeError: return set(a).isdisjoint(b) # **a.isdisjoint** is not a callable or # **a** and/or **b** do not consist of hashable elements except TypeError as ex: if callable(a.isdisjoint): # type: ignore raise ex return set(a).isdisjoint(b)
[docs]@to_positional def issuperset(a: Iterable[Hashable], b: Iterable[Hashable]) -> bool: """Check if **a** contains all elements from **b**.""" try: return a.issuperset(b) # type: ignore # **a** does not have the isdisjoint method except AttributeError: return set(a).issuperset(b) # **a.issuperset** is not a callable or # **a** and/or **b** do not consist of hashable elements except TypeError as ex: if callable(a.issuperset): # type: ignore raise ex return set(a).issuperset(b)
[docs]@to_positional def issubset(a: Iterable[Hashable], b: Iterable[Hashable]) -> bool: """Check if **b** contains all elements in **a**.""" try: return a.issubset(b) # type: ignore # **a** does not have the isdisjoint method except AttributeError: return set(a).issubset(b) # **a.issubset** is not a callable or # **a** and/or **b** do not consist of hashable elements except TypeError as ex: if callable(a.issubset): # type: ignore raise ex return set(a).issubset(b)
[docs]@to_positional def function_eq(func1: FunctionType, func2: FunctionType) -> bool: """Check if two functions are equivalent by checking if their :attr:`__code__` is identical. **func1** and **func2** should be instances of :data:`~types.FunctionType` or any other object with access to the :attr:`__code__` attribute. """ warnings.warn( "`function_eq` is deprecated and will be removed in the future", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) code1 = None try: code1 = func1.__code__ code2 = func2.__code__ except AttributeError as ex: name, obj = ('func1', func1) if code1 is None else ('func2', func2) raise TypeError(f"{name!r} expected a function or object with the '__code__' attribute; " f"observed type: {obj.__class__.__name__!r}") from ex iterator = zip_longest(dis.get_instructions(code1), dis.get_instructions(code2)) tup_iter = ((_sanitize_instruction(i), _sanitize_instruction(j)) for i, j in iterator) return all([i == j for i, j in tup_iter])
def _sanitize_instruction(instruction: IT) -> IT: """Sanitize the supplied instruction by setting :attr:`~dis.Instruction.starts_line` to :data:`None`.""" # noqa if instruction is None: return None return instruction._replace(starts_line=None) # type: ignore