
A module with various new assertion functions.


len_eq(a, b, /)

Check if the length of a is equivalent to b: len(a) == b.

str_eq(a, b, /, *[, str_converter])

Check if the string-representation of a is equivalent to b: repr(a) == b.

shape_eq(a, b, /)

Check if the shapes of a and b are equivalent: a.shape == getattr(b, 'shape', b).

isdisjoint(a, b, /)

Check if a has no elements in b.

issuperset(a, b, /)

Check if a contains all elements from b.

issubset(a, b, /)

Check if b contains all elements in a.

function_eq(func1, func2, /)

Check if two functions are equivalent by checking if their __code__ is identical.


assertionlib.assertion_functions.len_eq(a: ~typing.Sized, b: int, /) bool[source]

Check if the length of a is equivalent to b: len(a) == b.

assertionlib.assertion_functions.str_eq(a: ~assertionlib.assertion_functions.T, b: str, /, *, str_converter: ~typing.Callable[[~assertionlib.assertion_functions.T], str] = <built-in function repr>) bool[source]

Check if the string-representation of a is equivalent to b: repr(a) == b.

assertionlib.assertion_functions.shape_eq(a: ndarray[Any, Any], b: ~typing.Union[ndarray[Any, Any], ~typing.Tuple[int, ...]], /) bool[source]

Check if the shapes of a and b are equivalent: a.shape == getattr(b, 'shape', b).

b should be either an object with the shape attribute (e.g. a NumPy array) or a tuple representing a valid array shape.

assertionlib.assertion_functions.isdisjoint(a: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Hashable], b: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Hashable], /) bool[source]

Check if a has no elements in b.

assertionlib.assertion_functions.issuperset(a: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Hashable], b: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Hashable], /) bool[source]

Check if a contains all elements from b.

assertionlib.assertion_functions.issubset(a: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Hashable], b: ~typing.Iterable[~typing.Hashable], /) bool[source]

Check if b contains all elements in a.

assertionlib.assertion_functions.function_eq(func1: function, func2: function, /) bool[source]

Check if two functions are equivalent by checking if their __code__ is identical.

func1 and func2 should be instances of FunctionType or any other object with access to the __code__ attribute.