Source code for assertionlib.manager

"""A module containing the actual :class:`AssertionManager` class.

.. currentmodule:: assertionlib.manager
.. autosummary::

Assertions based on the builtin :mod:`operator` module.

.. autosummary::


Assertions based on the builtin :mod:`os.path` module.

.. autosummary::


Assertions based on the builtin :mod:`math` module.

.. autosummary::


Assertions based on the builtin :mod:`builtins` module.

.. autosummary::


Miscellaneous assertions.

.. autosummary::


.. autodata:: assertion
    :annotation: : AssertionManager

.. autoclass:: AssertionManager
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.assert_
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.__call__
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.add_to_instance

Assertions based on the builtin :mod:`operator` module
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.abs
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.add
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.and_
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.concat
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.contains
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.countOf
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.eq
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.floordiv
.. automethod::
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.getitem
.. automethod::
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.index
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.indexOf
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.inv
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.invert
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.is_
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.is_not
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.le
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.lshift
.. automethod::
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.matmul
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.mod
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.mul
.. automethod::
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.neg
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.not_
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.or_
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.pos
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.pow
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.rshift
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.sub
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.truediv
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.truth
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.length_hint

Assertions based on the builtin :mod:`os.path` module
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isabs
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isdir
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isfile
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.islink
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.ismount

Assertions based on the builtin :mod:`math` module
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.allclose
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isclose
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isfinite
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isinf
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isnan

Assertions based on the builtin :mod:`builtins` module
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.callable
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.hasattr
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isinstance
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.issubclass
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.len
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.any
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.all
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.isdisjoint
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.issuperset
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.issubset
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.round

Miscellaneous assertions
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.len_eq
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.str_eq
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.shape_eq
.. automethod:: AssertionManager.function_eq


import os
import sys
import math
import inspect
import reprlib
import builtins
import textwrap
import operator
import functools
from types import MappingProxyType
from string import ascii_lowercase
from inspect import Parameter
from typing import (
    Callable, Any, Type, Set, Optional, Mapping, Sequence, Iterable,
    FrozenSet, TypeVar, NoReturn, Union

from .ndrepr import aNDRepr
from .functions import bind_callable
from .dataclass import AbstractDataClass, _MetaADC
from .assertion_functions import (
    len_eq, str_eq, shape_eq, function_eq, isdisjoint, issuperset, issubset

if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
    COMMA = ','
    COMMA = ''

__all__ = ['AssertionManager', 'assertion']

T = TypeVar('T')

def _return_value(value: T) -> T:
    """Return the supplied **value** in unaltered form."""
    return value

_return_value.__name__ = _return_value.__qualname__ = ''

class _MetaAM(_MetaADC):
    """The meta-class of :class:`AssertionManager`.

    The :meth:`_MetaAM.__new__` method iterates over (almost) all functions in the :mod:`operator`
    module and binds a matching assertion method to the :class:`AssertionManager` class.


    #: A :class:`frozenset` of to-be ignored functions in :mod:`operator`.
    EXCLUDE: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset({
        'setitem', 'delitem', 'attrgetter', 'methodcaller', 'itemgetter'

    #: A :class:`frozenset` of callables which need an assertion function.
    INCLUDE: FrozenSet[Callable] = frozenset({
        os.path.isfile, os.path.isdir, os.path.isabs, os.path.islink, os.path.ismount,
        math.isclose, math.isfinite, math.isinf, math.isnan,
        isinstance, issubclass, callable, hasattr, len, any, all, round,
        len_eq, str_eq, shape_eq, function_eq, isdisjoint, issubset, issuperset

    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace) -> '_MetaAM':  # noqa: N804
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace)

        operator_set: Set[str] = set(operator.__all__) - mcls.EXCLUDE  # type: ignore

        # Iterature over the __all__ attribute of the operator builtin module
        for name in operator_set:
            func: Callable = getattr(operator, name)
            bind_callable(cls, func, name)

        # Iterate over all remaining callables
        for func in mcls.INCLUDE:
            bind_callable(cls, func)

        cls.allclose = cls.isclose  # type: ignore

        # On windows os.path.isdir is an alias for the ._isdir function
        if hasattr(cls, '_isdir'):
            cls.isdir = isdir = cls._isdir  # type: ignore
            isdir.__name__ = 'isdir'
            isdir.__qualname__ = f'{cls.__name__}.isdir'
            isdir.__doc__ = isdir.__doc__.replace('_isdir', 'isdir')
            del cls._isdir  # type: ignore
        return cls

class _Str:
    def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.value)

class _NoneException(BaseException):
    """An empty exception used by :meth:`AssertionManager.assert_` incase the **exception** parameter is ``None``."""  # noqa

    def __init__(self, *args: Any) -> NoReturn:  # type: ignore
        raise TypeError(f"{self.__class__.__name__!r} cannot not be initiated")

ExcType = Union[Type[_NoneException], Type[Exception]]

[docs]class AssertionManager(AbstractDataClass, metaclass=_MetaAM): """A class for performing assertions and providing informative exception messages. A number of usage examples are provided in the the documentation_. .. _documentation: Parameters ---------- repr_instance : :class:`reprlib.Repr`, optional An instance of :class:`reprlib.Repr` for formatting Exception messages. The passed instance should have access to a bound callable by the name of ``repr``, which in turn should produce a string representation of any passed objects. If ``None``, default the builtin :func:`repr` function. See also :attr:`AssertionManager.repr_instance`. Attributes ---------- repr_instance : :class:`reprlib.Repr`, optional An instance of :class:`reprlib.Repr` for formatting Exception messages. The passed instance should have access to a bound callable by the name of ``repr``, which in turn should produce a string representation of passed objects. If ``None``, default the builtin :func:`repr` function. repr_fallback : :class:`Callable[[Any], str]<>` A fallback value in case :attr:`AssertionManager.repr_instance` is ``None``. maxstring_fallback : :class:`int` A fallback value in case :attr:`AssertionManager.repr_instance` is ``None``. """ _PRIVATE_ATTR: Set[str] = frozenset({'repr_fallback', 'maxstring_fallback'}) # type: ignore def __init__(self, repr_instance: Optional[reprlib.Repr] = aNDRepr) -> None: """Initialize an :class:`AssertionManager` instance.""" super().__init__() self.repr_instance = repr_instance # Backup values for AssertionManager.repr and AssertionManager.maxstring # Used when repr_instance is None self.repr_fallback: Callable[[Any], str] = builtins.repr self.maxstring_fallback = 80 @property def repr(self) -> Callable[[Any], str]: """Return the :meth:`~reprlib.Repr.repr` method of :attr:`AssertionManager.repr_instance`.""" # noqa try: return self.repr_instance.repr # type: ignore except AttributeError: # If self.repr_instance is None return self.repr_fallback @property def maxstring(self) -> int: """Return the :attr:`~reprlib.Repr.maxstring` attribute of :attr:`AssertionManager.repr_instance`.""" # noqa try: return self.repr_instance.maxstring # type: ignore except AttributeError: # If self.repr_instance is None return self.maxstring_fallback # Public methods
[docs] def assert_(self, func: Callable[..., T], *args: Any, invert: bool = False, exception: Optional[Type[Exception]] = None, post_process: Optional[Callable[[T], Any]] = None, message: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None: r"""Perform the following assertion: :code:`assert func(*args, **kwargs)`. Examples -------- For example :code:`assert 5 == 5` is equivalent to :code:`AssertionManager().assert_(operator.eq, 5, 5)`. Parameters ---------- func : :class:`Callable[..., T]<>` The callable whose output will be evaluated. \*args : :data:`~typing.Any` Positional arguments for **func**. Keyword Arguments ----------------- invert : :class:`bool`, optional If :data:`True`, invert the output of the assertion: :code:`assert not func(*args, **kwargs)`. exception : :class:`type` [:exc:`Exception`], optional Assert that **exception** is raised during/before the assertion operation. The only dissalowed value is :exc:`AssertionError`. post_process : :data:`Callable[[T], bool]<typing.Callable>`, optional Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example functions would be the likes of :func:`any()<python:any>` and :func:`all()<python:all>`. message : :class:`str`, optional A custom error message to-be passed to the ``assert`` statement. \**kwargs : :data:`~typing.Any`, optional Keyword arguments for **func**. :rtype: :data:`None` See Also -------- :meth:`AssertionManager.__call__` Equivalent to :code:`assert value`. """ __tracebackhide__ = True # Set exception to _NoneException if exception is None: exc_type: ExcType = _NoneException else: if not (isinstance(exception, type) and issubclass(exception, Exception)): raise TypeError(f"{'exception'!r} expected {None!r} or an Exception type; " f"observed {self.repr(exception)} " f"of type {exception.__class__.__name__!r}") elif exception is AssertionError: raise ValueError(f"{exception.__name__!r} is not allowed as value " f"for the {'exception'!r} parameter") exc_type = exception output: Any = None try: if invert: output = not func(*args, **kwargs) else: output = func(*args, **kwargs) if post_process is None: assert output, message else: assert post_process(output), message if exc_type is not _NoneException: # i.e. the exception parameter is not None exc_msg = f"Failed to raise {exc_type.__name__!r}" if message is not None: exc_msg += f'; {message}' raise AssertionError(exc_msg) except exc_type: # This is the expected exception pass # Not relevant if the exception parameter is None except Exception as ex: # This is an unexpected exception exc = AssertionError(self._get_exc_message( ex, func, *args, output=output, invert=invert, post_process=post_process, **kwargs )) if type(ex) is AssertionError: exc.__cause__ = None raise exc else: raise exc from ex
[docs] def __call__(self, value: T, *, invert: bool = False, post_process: Optional[Callable[[T], Any]] = None, message: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Equivalent to :code:`assert value`. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> from assertionlib import assertion >>> assertion(5 == 5) >>> assertion(5 == 6) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: output = (value); assert output <BLANKLINE> exception: AssertionError = 'None' <BLANKLINE> output: bool = False value: bool = False Parameters ---------- value : :class:`T<typing.TypeVar>` The to-be asserted value. Keyword Arguments ----------------- invert : :class:`bool` If :data:`True`, invert the output of the assertion: :code:`assert not value`. post_process : :data:`Callable[[T], bool]<typing.Callable>`, optional Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example functions would be the likes of :func:`any()<python:any>` and :func:`all()<python:all>`. message : :class:`str`, optional A custom error message to-be passed to the ``assert`` statement. :rtype: :data:`None` """ return self.assert_(_return_value, value, invert=invert, post_process=post_process, message=message)
[docs] def add_to_instance(self, func: Callable, name: Optional[str] = None, override_attr: bool = False) -> None: """Add a new custom assertion method to this instance. The new method name is added to :attr:`AssertionManager._PRIVATE_ATTR`. Parameters ---------- func : :class:`` The callable whose output will be asserted in the to-be created method. Keyword Arguments ----------------- name : :class:`str`, optional The name of the new method. If ``None``, use the name of **func**. override_attr : :class:`bool` If :data:`False`, raise an :exc:`AttributeError` if a method with the same name already exists in this instance. :rtype: :data:`None` Raises ------ AttributeError Raised if ``override_attr=False`` and a method with the same name already exists in this instance. """ name = name if name is not None else func.__name__ if not override_attr and hasattr(self, name): raise AttributeError(f"The {self.__class__.__name__!r} instance has a pre-existing " f"attribute by the name of {name!r}") bind_callable(self, func, name) # Add the name as private attribute self._PRIVATE_ATTR.add(name)
# Private methods def _get_exc_message(self, ex: Exception, func: Callable[..., T], *args: Any, invert: bool = False, output: Any = None, post_process: Optional[Callable[[T], Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> str: r"""Return a formatted exception message for failed assertions. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> def contains(a, b): ... return b in a >>> ex = TypeError('Fancy custom exception') >>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> b = 5 >>> msg = assertion._get_exc_message(ex, contains, a, b) >>> raise AssertionError(msg) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: output = contains(a, b); assert output <BLANKLINE> exception: TypeError = 'Fancy custom exception' <BLANKLINE> output: NoneType = None a: list = [1, 2, 3, 4] b: int = 5 Parameters ---------- ex : :class:`Exception` The exception raised by :meth:`AssertionManager.assert_`. func : :class:`` The callable whose output has been evaluated. \\*args : :data:`~typing.Any` Positional arguments supplied to **func**. Keyword Arguments ----------------- invert : :class:`bool` If :data:`True`, invert the output of the assertion: :code:`not func(a, b, **kwargs)`. output : :data:`~typing.Any`, optional The output value of :code:`func(*args, **kwargs)` or :code:`not func(*args, **kwargs)`. post_process : :class:``, optional Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example functions would be the likes of :func:`~builtins.any` and :func:`~builtins.all`. \\**kwargs : :data:`~typing.Any`, optional Further optional keyword arguments supplied to **func**. Returns ------- :class:`str` A newly-formatted exception message to-be raised by :meth:`AssertionManager.assert_`. """ __tracebackhide__ = True # Construct a string-reprensentation of the to-be assert function try: name: str = getattr(func, '__qualname__', func.__name__) except AttributeError: if not callable(func): raise TypeError(f"{'func'!r} expected a callable object; observed type: " f"{func.__class__.__name__!r}") # func could potentially be a functools.partial object if isinstance(func, functools.partial): name = repr(func) else: name = func.__class__.__name__.lower() # Construct a signature of the to-be asserted function try: _signature = inspect.signature(func) signature: Any = self._get_exc_signature(_signature, args, kwargs) parameters: Iterable = signature.parameters except ValueError: # Not all callables have a signature signature = '(...)' parameters = (f'_{i}' for i in ascii_lowercase) not_ = '' if not invert else ' not' out = 'post_process(output)' if post_process is not None else 'output' ret = f'output ={not_} {name}{signature}; assert {out}' # Create a description of the exception ret += '\n\n' + self._get_prm_description('exception', ex) # Create a description of the to-be returned value ret += '\n\n' + self._get_prm_description('output', output) # Create a description of positional arguments for key, value in zip(parameters, args): ret += '\n' + self._get_prm_description(key, value) # Create a description of keyword arguments for key, value in kwargs.items(): ret += '\n' + self._get_prm_description(key, value) if post_process is not None: ret += '\n' + self._get_prm_description('post_process', post_process) return ret @staticmethod def _get_exc_signature(signature: inspect.Signature, args: Sequence[str], kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({})) -> inspect.Signature: """Create a new signature for the callable supplied to :meth:`AssertionManager._get_exc_message`. The return signature consists of two components: * The original positional/keyword arguments of the callables' signature (**signature**). * Extra positional/keyword arguments supplied to the callable. """ # noqa __tracebackhide__ = True # Unpack parameters empty = inspect._empty # type: ignore parameters = signature.parameters kind = Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD # Create iterators over arguments prm_iter_args = (k for k, v in parameters.items() if v.default is empty) prm_iter_kwargs = ((k, v) for k, v in parameters.items() if v.default is not empty) args_iter = iter(args) # Add positional arguments param = [Parameter(name=k, kind=kind) for k, v in zip(prm_iter_args, args_iter)] param += [Parameter(name=f'_{k}', kind=kind) for k, _ in zip(ascii_lowercase, args_iter)] # Add keyword arguments param += [Parameter(name=k, kind=kind, default=v.default) for k, v in prm_iter_kwargs if k not in kwargs] param += [Parameter(name=k, kind=kind, default=_Str(k)) for k in kwargs] return inspect.Signature(parameters=param, return_annotation=empty) def _get_prm_description(self, key: str, value: Any) -> str: """Construct a string representation of **key**/**value** pairs in :meth:`AssertionManager._get_exc_message`. The value will be placed on a newline of its string representation contains a newline character or is longer than :attr:`AssertionManager.maxstring`. """ # noqa __tracebackhide__ = True _value_str = f'{self.repr(value)}' if not isinstance(value, Exception) else repr(str(value)) key_str = f'{key}: {value.__class__.__name__} =' # Put the value on a newline if it is too long or contains a newline character condition = '\n' in _value_str or len(key_str) + len(_value_str) > self.maxstring if condition: # Value is too long, put it on the next line indent = 4 * ' ' value_str = f'\n{textwrap.indent(_value_str, indent)}' else: value_str = f' {_value_str}' return f'{key_str}{value_str}'
#: An instance of :class:`AssertionManager`. assertion = AssertionManager() # Type: Final[AssertionManager]