Source code for assertionlib.dataclass

"""A class with a number of generic pre-defined (magic) methods inspired by dataclass of Python 3.7.

.. currentmodule:: assertionlib.dataclass
.. autosummary::

.. autoclass:: AbstractDataClass
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.__repr__
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.__eq__
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.__hash__
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.__copy__
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.__deepcopy__
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.copy
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.as_dict
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.from_dict
.. automethod:: AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations

"""  # noqa: E501

import textwrap
import copy
from abc import ABCMeta
from functools import wraps
from threading import get_ident
from typing import (
    Any, Dict, Set, Iterable, Tuple, ClassVar, NoReturn, cast, Iterator, Union,
    Callable, Optional, Mapping, TypeVar, Type

__all__ = ['AbstractDataClass']

T = TypeVar('T')
TT = TypeVar('TT', bound='_MetaADC')
AT = TypeVar('AT', bound='AbstractDataClass')
FT = TypeVar('FT', bound=Callable[..., Any])

def recursion_safeguard(fallback: FT) -> Callable[[FT], FT]:
    """Decorate a function such that it calls **fallback** in case of recursive calls.

    Implementation based on :func:`reprlib.recursive_repr`.

    def decorating_function(user_function: FT) -> FT:
        running: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = set()

        def wrapper(self: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
            key = id(self), get_ident()
            if key in running:
                return fallback(self, *args, **kwargs)

                result = user_function(self, *args, **kwargs)
            return result
        return cast(FT, wrapper)
    return decorating_function

class _MetaADC(ABCMeta):
    _HASHABLE: bool = NotImplemented

    def __new__(mcls: Type[TT], name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...],
                namespace: Dict[str, Any]) -> TT:
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace)
        if not cls._HASHABLE:
            setattr(cls, '__hash__', mcls._hash_template1)
            func = recursion_safeguard(cls._repr_fallback)(mcls._hash_template2)  # type: ignore
            setattr(cls, '__hash__', func)
        return cls

    def _hash_template1(self: 'AbstractDataClass') -> NoReturn:
        """Unhashable type; raise a :exc:`TypeError`."""
        raise TypeError(f"Unhashable type: {self.__class__.__name__!r}")

    def _hash_template2(self: 'AbstractDataClass') -> int:
        """Return the hash of this instance.

        The returned hash is constructed from two components:
        * The hash of this instances' class type.
        * The hashes of all key/value pairs in this instances' (non-private) attributes.

        If an unhashable instance variable is encountered, *e.g.* a :class:`list`,
        then its :func:`id` is used for hashing.

        This method will raise a :exc:`TypeError` if the class attribute
        :attr:`AbstractDataClass._HASHABLE` is :data:`False`.

        See Also
            A set with the names of private instance variables.

            Whether or not this class is hashable.

            Fallback function for :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__hash__` incase of recursive calls.

            An instance variable for caching the :func:`hash` of this instance.

        # Return a cached hash
        if self._hash:
            return self._hash

        ret = hash(type(self))
        for k, v in self._iter_attrs():
            if k in self._PRIVATE_ATTR:
                ret ^= hash((k, v))
            except TypeError:
                ret ^= hash((k, id(v)))

        # Cache the hash and return
        self._hash = ret
        return ret

[docs]class AbstractDataClass(metaclass=_MetaADC): """A dataclass with a number of generic pre-defined (magic) methods. Provides methods for: * String conversion: :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__repr__`. * Object comparisons: :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__eq__`. * Hash construction: :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__hash__`. * Copying: :meth:`AbstractDataClass.copy`, :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__copy__` and :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__deepcopy__`. * Dictionary interconversion: :meth:`AbstractDataClass.as_dict` and :meth:`AbstractDataClass.from_dict`. * Inherting method docstrings and annotations: :meth:`AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations`. Attributes ---------- _PRIVATE_ATTR : :class:`frozenset` [:class:`str`] or :class:`set` [:class:`str`] A class variable with the names of private instance variable. These attributes will be excluded whenever calling :meth:`AbstractDataClass.as_dict`, printing or comparing objects. The set is unfrozen (and added as instance variables) the moment a class instance is initiated. _HASHABLE : :class:`bool` A class variable denoting whether or not class instances are hashable. The :attr:`AbstractDataClass.__hash__` method will be unavailable if :data:`False`. _hash : :class:`int` An attribute for caching the :func:`hash` of this instance. Only available if :attr:`AbstractDataClass._HASHABLE` is :data:`True`. """ #: A :class:`frozenset` with the names of private instance variables. #: These attributes will be excluded whenever calling :meth:`AbstractDataClass.as_dict`, #: printing or comparing objects. _PRIVATE_ATTR: Set[str] = frozenset() # type: ignore #: Whether or not this class is hashable. #: If :data:`False`, raise a :exc:`TypeError` when calling :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__hash__`. _HASHABLE: ClassVar[bool] = True #: Empty slots which can be filled by subclasses. __slots__: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = ('__dict__',) __hash__: Callable[[type], Union[int, NoReturn]] def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize a :class:`AbstractDataClass` instance.""" # Assign cls._PRIVATE_ATTR as a (unfrozen) set to this instance as attribute cls = type(self) self._PRIVATE_ATTR = {'_PRIVATE_ATTR'}.union(cls._PRIVATE_ATTR) # Extra attributes in case the class is hashable if cls._HASHABLE: self._PRIVATE_ATTR.add('_hash') self._hash: int = 0 def _iter_attrs(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]]: """Return an iterator which iterates over this instance's attributes as key/value pairs. If all attributes are stored in the instance :attr:`~object.__dict__` then further alterations to this method are not necessary. If :attr:`~object.__slots__` are utilized for defining attributes then alterations will have to be made to this method, *e.g.*: .. code:: python >>> def _iter_attrs(self): ... yield 'a', self.a ... yield 'b', self.b ... yield 'c', self.c """ return iter(vars(self).items()) def _hash_fallback(self) -> int: """Fallback function for :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__hash__` incase of recursive calls.""" return id(self) def _repr_fallback(self) -> str: """Fallback function for :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__repr__` incase of recursive calls.""" return object.__repr__(self).rstrip('>').rsplit(maxsplit=1)[1]
[docs] @recursion_safeguard(fallback=_repr_fallback) # type: ignore def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return a (machine readable) string representation of this instance. The string representation consists of this instances' class name in addition to all (non-private) instance variables. Returns ------- :class:`str` A string representation of this instance. See Also -------- :attr:`AbstractDataClass._PRIVATE_ATTR` A set with the names of private instance variables. :attr:`AbstractDataClass._repr_fallback` Fallback function for :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__repr__` incase of recursive calls. :meth:`AbstractDataClass._str_iterator` Return an iterable for the iterating over this instances' attributes. :meth:`AbstractDataClass._str` Returns a string representation of a single **key**/**value** pair. """ try: width = max(len(k) for k, _ in self._str_iterator()) except ValueError: # Raised if this instance has no instance variables return f'{self.__class__.__name__}()' ret = ',\n'.join(self._str(k, v, width, 3+width) for k, v in self._str_iterator()) indent = ' ' * 4 return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(\n{textwrap.indent(ret, indent)}\n)'
def _str_iterator(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]: """Return an iterable for the :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__repr__` method.""" return ((k, v) for k, v in sorted(self._iter_attrs()) if k not in self._PRIVATE_ATTR) @staticmethod def _str(key: str, value: Any, width: Optional[int] = None, indent: Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Return a string representation of a single **key**/**value** pair.""" key_str = f'{key} = ' if width is None else f'{key:{width}} = ' if indent is not None: value_str = textwrap.indent(repr(value), ' ' * indent)[indent:] else: value_str = repr(value) return f'{key_str}{value_str}' # e.g.: "key = 'value'" def _eq_fallback(self, value: Any) -> bool: """Fallback function for :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__eq__` incase of recursive calls.""" return self is value
[docs] @recursion_safeguard(fallback=_eq_fallback) # type: ignore def __eq__(self, value: Any) -> bool: """Check if this instance is equivalent to **value**. The comparison checks if the class type of this instance and **value** are identical and if all (non-private) instance variables are equivalent. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether or not this instance and **value** are equivalent. See Also -------- :attr:`AbstractDataClass._PRIVATE_ATTR` A set with the names of private instance variables. :attr:`AbstractDataClass._eq` Return if **v1** and **v2** are equivalent. :attr:`AbstractDataClass._eq_fallback` Fallback function for :meth:`AbstractDataClass.__eq__` incase of recursive calls. """ # Compare instance types if type(self) is not type(value): return False # Compare instance variables try: for k, v1 in self._iter_attrs(): if k in self._PRIVATE_ATTR: continue v2 = getattr(value, k) assert self._eq(v1, v2) except (AttributeError, AssertionError): return False else: return True
@staticmethod def _eq(v1: Any, v2: Any) -> bool: """Return if **v1** and **v2** are equivalent.""" return cast(bool, v1 == v2)
[docs] def copy(self: AT, deep: bool = False) -> AT: """Return a shallow or deep copy of this instance. Parameters ---------- deep : :class:`bool` Whether or not to return a deep or shallow copy. Returns ------- :class:`AbstractDataClass` A new instance constructed from this instance. """ def return_arg(arg: T) -> T: return arg copy_func = cast(Callable[[T], T], copy.deepcopy if deep else return_arg) cls = type(self) ret: AT = cls.__new__(cls) for k, v in self._iter_attrs(): setattr(ret, k, copy_func(v)) return ret
[docs] def __copy__(self: AT) -> AT: """Return a shallow copy of this instance; see :meth:`AbstractDataClass.copy`.""" return self.copy(deep=False)
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self: AT, memo: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None) -> AT: """Return a deep copy of this instance; see :meth:`AbstractDataClass.copy`.".""" return self.copy(deep=True)
[docs] def as_dict(self, return_private: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Construct a dictionary from this instance with all non-private instance variables. The returned dictionary values are shallow copies. Parameters ---------- return_private : :class:`bool` If :data:`True`, return both public and private instance variables. Private instance variables are defined in :data:`AbstractDataClass._PRIVATE_ATTR`. Returns ------- :class:`dict` [:class:`str`, :data:`~typing.Any`] A dictionary with keyword arguments for initializing a new instance of this class. See Also -------- :meth:`AbstractDataClass.from_dict`: Construct a instance of this objects' class from a dictionary with keyword arguments. :attr:`AbstractDataClass._PRIVATE_ATTR`: A set with the names of private instance variables. """ if return_private: return {k: copy.copy(v) for k, v in self._iter_attrs()} else: return {k: copy.copy(v) for k, v in self._iter_attrs() if k not in self._PRIVATE_ATTR}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls: Type[AT], dct: Mapping[str, Any]) -> AT: """Construct a instance of this objects' class from a dictionary with keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- dct : :class:`` [:class:`str`, :data:`~typing.Any`] A dictionary with keyword arguments for constructing a new :class:`AbstractDataClass` instance. Returns ------- :class:`AbstractDataClass` A new instance of this object's class constructed from **dct**. See Also -------- :meth:`AbstractDataClass.as_dict` Construct a dictionary from this instance with all non-private instance variables. """ return cls(**dct)
[docs] @classmethod def inherit_annotations(cls) -> Callable[[FT], FT]: """A decorator for inheriting annotations and docstrings. Can be applied to methods of :class:`AbstractDataClass` subclasses to automatically inherit the docstring and annotations of identical-named functions of its superclass. References to :class:`AbstractDataClass` are replaced with ones pointing to the respective subclass. Returns ------- :class:`type` A decorator for updating the annotations and docstring of a callable. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> class SubClass(AbstractDataClass): ... ... @AbstractDataClass.inherit_annotations() ... def __copy__(self): pass >>> print(SubClass.__copy__.__doc__) Return a shallow copy of this instance; see :meth:`SubClass.copy`. >>> print(SubClass.__copy__.__annotations__) {'self': ~AT, 'return': ~AT} """ def decorator(func: FT) -> FT: cls_func: str = getattr(cls, func.__name__) sub_cls_name: str = func.__qualname__.split('.')[0] # Update annotations if not getattr(func, '__annotations__', None): func.__annotations__ = dct = getattr(cls_func, '__annotations__', {}).copy() if dct.get('return') in {cls, cls.__name__}: dct['return'] = sub_cls_name # Update docstring if func.__doc__ is None and cls_func.__doc__ is not None: doc_new = cls_func.__doc__.replace(cls.__name__, sub_cls_name) func.__doc__ = doc_new return func return decorator