
A module containing the actual AssertionManager class.



An instance of AssertionManager.


A class for performing assertions and providing informative exception messages.

AssertionManager.assert_(func, *args[, ...])

Perform the following assertion: assert func(*args, **kwargs).

AssertionManager.__call__(value, *[, ...])

Equivalent to assert value.

AssertionManager.add_to_instance(func[, ...])

Add a new custom assertion method to this instance.

Assertions based on the builtin operator module.


Perform the following assertion: assert abs(a).


Perform the following assertion: assert add(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert and_(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert concat(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert contains(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert countOf(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert eq(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert floordiv(a, b).

Perform the following assertion: assert ge(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert getitem(a, b).

Perform the following assertion: assert gt(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert index(a).


Perform the following assertion: assert indexOf(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert inv(a).


Perform the following assertion: assert invert(a).


Perform the following assertion: assert is_(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert is_not(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert le(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert lshift(a, b).

Perform the following assertion: assert lt(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert matmul(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert mod(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert mul(a, b).

Perform the following assertion: assert ne(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert neg(a).


Perform the following assertion: assert not_(a).


Perform the following assertion: assert or_(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert pos(a).


Perform the following assertion: assert pow(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert rshift(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert sub(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert truediv(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert truth(a).


Perform the following assertion: assert length_hint(obj, default=default).

Assertions based on the builtin os.path module.


Perform the following assertion: assert isabs(s).


Perform the following assertion: assert isdir(s).


Perform the following assertion: assert isfile(path).


Perform the following assertion: assert islink(path).


Perform the following assertion: assert ismount(path).

Assertions based on the builtin math module.


Perform the following assertion: assert isclose(a, b, rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol).


Perform the following assertion: assert isclose(a, b, rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol).


Perform the following assertion: assert isfinite(x).


Perform the following assertion: assert isinf(x).


Perform the following assertion: assert isnan(x).

Assertions based on the builtin builtins module.


Perform the following assertion: assert callable(obj).


Perform the following assertion: assert hasattr(obj, name).


Perform the following assertion: assert isinstance(obj, class_or_tuple).


Perform the following assertion: assert issubclass(cls, class_or_tuple).


Perform the following assertion: assert len(obj).


Perform the following assertion: assert any(iterable).


Perform the following assertion: assert all(iterable).


Perform the following assertion: assert isdisjoint(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert issuperset(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert issubset(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert round(number, ndigits=ndigits).

Miscellaneous assertions.


Perform the following assertion: assert len_eq(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert str_eq(a, b, str_converter=str_converter).


Perform the following assertion: assert shape_eq(a, b).


Perform the following assertion: assert function_eq(func1, func2).


assertionlib.manager.assertion : AssertionManager

An instance of AssertionManager.

class assertionlib.manager.AssertionManager(repr_instance: ~reprlib.Repr | None = <assertionlib.ndrepr.NDRepr object>)[source]

A class for performing assertions and providing informative exception messages.

A number of usage examples are provided in the the documentation.


repr_instance (reprlib.Repr, optional) – An instance of reprlib.Repr for formatting Exception messages. The passed instance should have access to a bound callable by the name of repr, which in turn should produce a string representation of any passed objects. If None, default the builtin repr() function. See also AssertionManager.repr_instance.


An instance of reprlib.Repr for formatting Exception messages. The passed instance should have access to a bound callable by the name of repr, which in turn should produce a string representation of passed objects. If None, default the builtin repr() function.


reprlib.Repr, optional


A fallback value in case AssertionManager.repr_instance is None.


Callable[[Any], str]


A fallback value in case AssertionManager.repr_instance is None.



AssertionManager.assert_(func: Callable[[...], T], *args: Any, invert: bool = False, exception: Type[Exception] | None = None, post_process: Callable[[T], Any] | None = None, message: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) None[source]

Perform the following assertion: assert func(*args, **kwargs).


For example assert 5 == 5 is equivalent to AssertionManager().assert_(operator.eq, 5, 5).

  • func (Callable[..., T]) – The callable whose output will be evaluated.

  • *args (Any) – Positional arguments for func.

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool, optional) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not func(*args, **kwargs).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation. The only dissalowed value is AssertionError.

  • post_process (Callable[[T], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example functions would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

  • **kwargs (Any, optional) – Keyword arguments for func.

Return type:


See also


Equivalent to assert value.

AssertionManager.__call__(value: T, *, invert: bool = False, post_process: Callable[[T], Any] | None = None, message: str | None = None) None[source]

Equivalent to assert value.


>>> from assertionlib import assertion

>>> assertion(5 == 5)
>>> assertion(5 == 6)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: output = (value); assert output

exception: AssertionError = 'None'

output: bool = False
value: bool = False

value (T) – The to-be asserted value.

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not value.

  • post_process (Callable[[T], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example functions would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


AssertionManager.add_to_instance(func: Callable, name: str | None = None, override_attr: bool = False) None[source]

Add a new custom assertion method to this instance.

The new method name is added to AssertionManager._PRIVATE_ATTR.


func (Callable) – The callable whose output will be asserted in the to-be created method.

Keyword Arguments:
  • name (str, optional) – The name of the new method. If None, use the name of func.

  • override_attr (bool) – If False, raise an AttributeError if a method with the same name already exists in this instance.

Return type:



AttributeError – Raised if override_attr=False and a method with the same name already exists in this instance.

Assertions based on the builtin operator module

AssertionManager.abs(a, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert abs(a).


a – The positional-only argument a of abs().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not abs(a).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as abs(a).

AssertionManager.add(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert add(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of add().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of add().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not add(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a + b.

AssertionManager.and_(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert and_(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of and_().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of and_().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not and_(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a & b.

AssertionManager.concat(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert concat(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of concat().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of concat().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not concat(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a + b, for a and b sequences.

AssertionManager.contains(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert contains(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of contains().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of contains().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not contains(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as b in a (note reversed operands).

AssertionManager.countOf(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert countOf(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of countOf().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of countOf().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not countOf(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return the number of items in a which are, or which equal, b.

AssertionManager.eq(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert eq(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of eq().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of eq().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not eq(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a == b.

AssertionManager.floordiv(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert floordiv(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of floordiv().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of floordiv().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not floordiv(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a // b., b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert ge(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of ge().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of ge().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not ge(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a >= b.

AssertionManager.getitem(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert getitem(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of getitem().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of getitem().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not getitem(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a[b]., b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert gt(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of gt().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of gt().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not gt(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a > b.

AssertionManager.index(a, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert index(a).


a – The positional-only argument a of index().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not index(a).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a.__index__()

AssertionManager.indexOf(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert indexOf(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of indexOf().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of indexOf().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not indexOf(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return the first index of b in a.

AssertionManager.inv(a, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert inv(a).


a – The positional-only argument a of inv().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not inv(a).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as ~a.

AssertionManager.invert(a, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert invert(a).


a – The positional-only argument a of invert().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not invert(a).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as ~a.

AssertionManager.is_(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert is_(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of is_().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of is_().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not is_(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a is b.

AssertionManager.is_not(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert is_not(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of is_not().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of is_not().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not is_not(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a is not b.

AssertionManager.le(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert le(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of le().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of le().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not le(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a <= b.

AssertionManager.lshift(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert lshift(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of lshift().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of lshift().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not lshift(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a << b., b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert lt(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of lt().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of lt().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not lt(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a < b.

AssertionManager.matmul(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert matmul(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of matmul().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of matmul().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not matmul(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a @ b.

AssertionManager.mod(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert mod(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of mod().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of mod().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not mod(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a % b.

AssertionManager.mul(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert mul(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of mul().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of mul().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not mul(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a * b., b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert ne(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of ne().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of ne().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not ne(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a != b.

AssertionManager.neg(a, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert neg(a).


a – The positional-only argument a of neg().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not neg(a).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as -a.

AssertionManager.not_(a, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert not_(a).


a – The positional-only argument a of not_().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not not_(a).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as not a.

AssertionManager.or_(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert or_(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of or_().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of or_().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not or_(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a | b.

AssertionManager.pos(a, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert pos(a).


a – The positional-only argument a of pos().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not pos(a).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as +a.

AssertionManager.pow(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert pow(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of pow().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of pow().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not pow(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a ** b.

AssertionManager.rshift(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert rshift(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of rshift().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of rshift().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not rshift(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a >> b.

AssertionManager.sub(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert sub(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of sub().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of sub().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not sub(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a - b.

AssertionManager.truediv(a, b, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert truediv(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of truediv().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of truediv().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not truediv(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Same as a / b.

AssertionManager.truth(a, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert truth(a).


a – The positional-only argument a of truth().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not truth(a).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return True if a is true, False otherwise.

AssertionManager.length_hint(obj, default=0, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert length_hint(obj, default=default).

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not length_hint(obj, default=default).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return an estimate of the number of items in obj. This is useful for presizing containers when building from an iterable. If the object supports len(), the result will be exact. Otherwise, it may over- or under-estimate by an arbitrary amount. The result will be an integer >= 0.

Assertions based on the builtin os.path module

AssertionManager.isabs(s, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isabs(s).


s – The positional-only argument s of isabs().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isabs(s).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Test whether a path is absolute

AssertionManager.isdir(s, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isdir(s).


s – The positional-only argument s of isdir().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isdir(s).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return true if the pathname refers to an existing directory.

AssertionManager.isfile(path, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isfile(path).


path – The positional-only argument path of isfile().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isfile(path).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Test whether a path is a regular file

Perform the following assertion: assert islink(path).


path – The positional-only argument path of islink().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not islink(path).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Test whether a path is a symbolic link

AssertionManager.ismount(path, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert ismount(path).


path – The positional-only argument path of ismount().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not ismount(path).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Test whether a path is a mount point

Assertions based on the builtin math module

AssertionManager.allclose(a, b, /, *, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isclose(a, b, rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of isclose().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of isclose().

  • rel_tol – The keyword-only argument rel_tol of isclose().

  • abs_tol – The keyword-only argument abs_tol of isclose().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isclose(a, b, rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Determine whether two floating point numbers are close in value. rel_tol maximum difference for being considered “close”, relative to the magnitude of the input values abs_tol maximum difference for being considered “close”, regardless of the magnitude of the input values Return True if a is close in value to b, and False otherwise. For the values to be considered close, the difference between them must be smaller than at least one of the tolerances. -inf, inf and NaN behave similarly to the IEEE 754 Standard. That is, NaN is not close to anything, even itself. inf and -inf are only close to themselves.

AssertionManager.isclose(a, b, /, *, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isclose(a, b, rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of isclose().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of isclose().

  • rel_tol – The keyword-only argument rel_tol of isclose().

  • abs_tol – The keyword-only argument abs_tol of isclose().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isclose(a, b, rel_tol=rel_tol, abs_tol=abs_tol).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Determine whether two floating point numbers are close in value. rel_tol maximum difference for being considered “close”, relative to the magnitude of the input values abs_tol maximum difference for being considered “close”, regardless of the magnitude of the input values Return True if a is close in value to b, and False otherwise. For the values to be considered close, the difference between them must be smaller than at least one of the tolerances. -inf, inf and NaN behave similarly to the IEEE 754 Standard. That is, NaN is not close to anything, even itself. inf and -inf are only close to themselves.

AssertionManager.isfinite(x, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isfinite(x).


x – The positional-only argument x of isfinite().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isfinite(x).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return True if x is neither an infinity nor a NaN, and False otherwise.

AssertionManager.isinf(x, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isinf(x).


x – The positional-only argument x of isinf().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isinf(x).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return True if x is a positive or negative infinity, and False otherwise.

AssertionManager.isnan(x, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isnan(x).


x – The positional-only argument x of isnan().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isnan(x).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return True if x is a NaN (not a number), and False otherwise.

Assertions based on the builtin builtins module

AssertionManager.callable(obj, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert callable(obj).


obj – The positional-only argument obj of callable().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not callable(obj).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return whether the object is callable (i.e., some kind of function).

Note that classes are callable, as are instances of classes with a __call__() method.

AssertionManager.hasattr(obj, name, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert hasattr(obj, name).

  • obj – The positional-only argument obj of hasattr().

  • name – The positional-only argument name of hasattr().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not hasattr(obj, name).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return whether the object has an attribute with the given name.

This is done by calling getattr(obj, name) and catching AttributeError.

AssertionManager.isinstance(obj, class_or_tuple, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isinstance(obj, class_or_tuple).

  • obj – The positional-only argument obj of isinstance().

  • class_or_tuple – The positional-only argument class_or_tuple of isinstance().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isinstance(obj, class_or_tuple).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return whether an object is an instance of a class or of a subclass thereof.

A tuple, as in isinstance(x, (A, B, ...)), may be given as the target to check against. This is equivalent to isinstance(x, A) or isinstance(x, B) or ... etc.

AssertionManager.issubclass(cls, class_or_tuple, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert issubclass(cls, class_or_tuple).

  • cls – The positional-only argument cls of issubclass().

  • class_or_tuple – The positional-only argument class_or_tuple of issubclass().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not issubclass(cls, class_or_tuple).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return whether ‘cls’ is derived from another class or is the same class.

A tuple, as in issubclass(x, (A, B, ...)), may be given as the target to check against. This is equivalent to issubclass(x, A) or issubclass(x, B) or ....

AssertionManager.len(obj, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert len(obj).


obj – The positional-only argument obj of len().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not len(obj).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return the number of items in a container.

AssertionManager.any(iterable, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert any(iterable).


iterable – The positional-only argument iterable of any().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not any(iterable).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return True if bool(x) is True for any x in the iterable.

If the iterable is empty, return False.

AssertionManager.all(iterable, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert all(iterable).


iterable – The positional-only argument iterable of all().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not all(iterable).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Return True if bool(x) is True for all values x in the iterable.

If the iterable is empty, return True.

AssertionManager.isdisjoint(a: Iterable[Hashable], b: Iterable[Hashable], /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert isdisjoint(a, b).

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not isdisjoint(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Check if a has no elements in b.

AssertionManager.issuperset(a: Iterable[Hashable], b: Iterable[Hashable], /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert issuperset(a, b).

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not issuperset(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Check if a contains all elements from b.

AssertionManager.issubset(a: Iterable[Hashable], b: Iterable[Hashable], /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert issubset(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of issubset().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of issubset().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not issubset(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Check if b contains all elements in a.

AssertionManager.round(number, /, *, ndigits=None, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert round(number, ndigits=ndigits).

  • number – The positional-only argument number of round().

  • ndigits – The keyword-only argument ndigits of round().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not round(number, ndigits=ndigits).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Round a number to a given precision in decimal digits.

The return value is an integer if ndigits is omitted or None. Otherwise the return value has the same type as the number. ndigits may be negative.

Miscellaneous assertions

AssertionManager.len_eq(a: Sized, b: int, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert len_eq(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of len_eq().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of len_eq().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not len_eq(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Check if the length of a is equivalent to b: len(a) == b.

AssertionManager.str_eq(a: ~assertionlib.assertion_functions.T, b: str, /, *, str_converter: ~typing.Callable[[~assertionlib.assertion_functions.T], str] = <built-in function repr>, **kwargs: ~typing.Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert str_eq(a, b, str_converter=str_converter).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of str_eq().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of str_eq().

  • str_converter – The keyword-only argument str_converter of str_eq().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not str_eq(a, b, str_converter=str_converter).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Check if the string-representation of a is equivalent to b: repr(a) == b.

AssertionManager.shape_eq(a: ndarray[Any, Any], b: ndarray[Any, Any] | Tuple[int, ...], /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert shape_eq(a, b).

  • a – The positional-only argument a of shape_eq().

  • b – The positional-only argument b of shape_eq().

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not shape_eq(a, b).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Check if the shapes of a and b are equivalent: a.shape == getattr(b, 'shape', b). b should be either an object with the shape attribute (e.g. a NumPy array) or a tuple representing a valid array shape.

AssertionManager.function_eq(func1: function, func2: function, /, **kwargs: Any) None

Perform the following assertion: assert function_eq(func1, func2).

Keyword Arguments:
  • invert (bool) – If True, invert the output of the assertion: assert not function_eq(func1, func2).

  • exception (type [Exception], optional) – Assert that exception is raised during/before the assertion operation.

  • post_process (Callable[[Any], bool], optional) – Apply post-processing to the to-be asserted data before asserting aforementioned data. Example values would be the likes of any() and all().

  • message (str, optional) – A custom error message to-be passed to the assert statement.

Return type:


See also


Check if two functions are equivalent by checking if their __code__ is identical. func1 and func2 should be instances of FunctionType or any other object with access to the __code__ attribute.